You, like anyone else, may tend to look for heroes in books and movies, and have no idea that you walk aside heroes every single day! You may work with them, or even live with them, but you never took the time to know their story. My invitation to you today is to listen to a story that will give you some clues on how to look for the heroes in your life.

When I first met Roeleke, it was a day like any other, trying to get in the flow or getting back to the office after 5 years of being out of working place. She looked so confident, calm, and grounded, that honestly, I was nervous around her, and yet, somehow calm. She was someone I wished I could know better.

A few hours later, we not only had some amazing conversations, but we get to plan this podcast. I invited her, and she said yes, so here we go, here to bless you and empower you to start dreaming, and living the life YOU WANT! For that, you want to start knowing who you are, what do you want and where do you want to go with your life. I invite you to tune in and listen to every episode, because there is a treasure in knowing, and Roeleke is one of those women who inspire change, growth, and empowerment!

Roeleke Klein Ikkink is a strong woman, single mom of a teenager, successful in her career, working in marketing and leadership positions for 20 years. 2 years ago, she decided to live the corporate world and work for herself, after she realized that the road she was on, led her close to another burnout. She was tired, overwhelmed, angry, and not feeling like herself anymore. So, on a walk with her dog, she decided to quit her job, and the next Monday she did it!

On the way to find herself, she starts exploring who she is, what she likes, and what is that she wants to do, now that her son is big, and she has more time on her hands, to focus on herself. Today, Roeleke coaches women to love themselves, and find their strength again. She works especially with single moms, to start dating, and have the courage to start living again happier.

Together with Roeleke, we sat and had long conversations. Some of it, we decided to share with you and bless you with her knowledge and wisdom. We invite you to join our conversation in the comments section and let’s get this conversation-starting.

You can find Roeleke on:


Website: (only dutch for now) (also in English)

Socials: Instagram:



Question: What is that inspired you in this episode?

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