Are you interested in my service or do you want to know if I can help you?
Prices & Coaching Programs
If you are here, that means you know you need help, and you consider having me as your personal Coach.
Thank you for your trust!
Most probably we already had an intake. If you read this and we haven’t spoken yet, contact me to have your FREE Consult, so we know where and how I can help you.
The most common services I offer are Stress and Burnout Coaching for individuals and Companies, and individual Trauma Coaching (starting May 2023)
I’ll meet you where your needs are!
Stress and Burnout Coaching
One session
169 Per sessie / VAT incl.
- Up to 2 hours of personalized Sessions of Coaching and Counseling in which you get:
- Personalized sessions, just for your needs.
- Undivided attention.
- Work on discovering the roots of your stress and/or burnout.
- Work on the core beliefs.
- Your only pay for the sessions you come in.
- + FREE Handouts:
- Core beliefs journal
- Food Journal
- Sleep tracker
- Anxiety and panic attack management tools
- The 4 burners worksheet
- Tasks and Energy management handouts
10 weeks bundle
1549 VAT incl.
- 20 weeks of 2 hours + per session, because I believe stress and burnout need deep and no time pressure healing. Here is what we work on:
- Silence habits for mind and body.
- Clear up emotional clutter, habits, tasks, house and relationship clutter (everything that is stress producing).
- Sleep – routines, tools, and tricks for a resting sleep.
- Movement – why, how, and what to do, so you gain energy.
- Food & Nutrition for recovery and restore the body and mind.
- Emotional and Physical Detox.
- Anxiety management and tools for panic attacks.
- Work on core and limiting beliefs.
- Who am I? Core values and Identity journey.
- Finding your own rhythm – The 4 burners –
- + FREE Handouts:
- Core beliefs journal
- Food Journal
- Emotional Detox handout
- Sleep tracker
- Anxiety and panic attack management tools
- The 4 burners worksheet
- Tasks and Energy management handouts
20 weeks bundle
2890 VAT incl.
- 20 weeks of 2 hours + per session, because I believe stress and burnout need deep and no time pressure healing. Here is what we work on:
- 10 weeks bundle +
- 10 weeks of personalized sessions adjusted to your needs at the time you finish the 10 weeks.
- Discovering and working on the thinking patterns that are not serving you.
- Learn how to train the parts of your brain responsible for thriving and calm the parts of your brain responsible for survival.
- + FREE Handouts:
- Core beliefs journal
- Food Journal
- Emotional Detox handout
- Sleep tracker
- Anxiety and panic attack management tools
- The 4 burners worksheet
- Tasks and Energy management handouts